St. Gwladys Bargoed Primary School

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Pupil Voice

The children’s views are sought on everything in school.

The Pupil Voice Committees are consulted on learning programmes and have been consulted on the transition to the new Curriculum for Wales, giving presentations to governors and accompanying them, along with visiting professionals, on Learning Walks in the school.


School Council 

The School Council represents the views of the children on a variety of issues that concern the children at any one time. ‘We listen to the children in our classes and make sure that everyone is heard. We work hard to organise special events, such as Children in Need. We meet regularly to discuss what is important to us as children and report back to our classes on what actions we will be taking so that we can help to make school a happy and special place.’


Eco Committee

 The Eco Committee is committed to helping the children of St. Gwladys become Eco Warriors. ‘We set challenges that can be completed in class or at home.’ Every challenge helps us to advance our Eco School agenda. We work very hard to achieve our Sustainable Goals on sustainability and conservation. We work tirelessly to recycle a wide range of materials and to consider ways in which the school can save energy and improve the environment. We work very hard to inform the rest of the school on the Sustainable Goals and any current initiatives on a regular basis. 


Digital Leaders

 Digital Leaders support the development of digital skills in the Foundation Phase, including basic fundamental ICT skills using various apps and programs on the iPads. In our Digital Leader after school club, the children have continued to exploit opportunities using a number of different apps and software, allowing us to become experts in these fields and support our own and our peers’ learning in KS2.


Creativity Catchers

Our Creativity Catchers are one of the newer pupil voice groups. Their mission is to support the Expressive Arts in our school,  finding fun and engaging ways for everyone to get involved in being creative. We want to explore and celebrate learning in Music, Art, Drama, Dance and Film and Digital Media. 'Creativity is contagious, pass it on!' 


Criw Cymraeg

 The members of our Criw Cymraeg are proud to promote the importance of Welsh language and culture throughout the school. They enjoy sharing our Phrase of the Week and greeting staff and children in Welsh in our weekly Welsh assemblies. They also encourage their friends to play Welsh games at play time and to use incidental Welsh around the school.


Language Ambassadors

The Language Ambassadors try to promote a love of international languages throughout the school. We love to learn about other cultures and embrace their traditions. Our Language Ambassadors want everyone to have lots of fun while learning languages for example by singing songs and playing games.


Healthy Heroes

 Health and Well-being continues to be a priority to the Healthy Heroes. Facilitating various games and activities during break and lunchtimes as well as taking on the role of Peer Mediators are some of the many areas we have continued to focus on. Our focus to ‘get hooked on sport for life,’ is one of the many reasons we meet on a fortnightly basis; these meetings have allowed us to plan and support the various after school clubs, our sports day and awards ceremony. 63% of children hooked on sport and counting!