St. Gwladys Bargoed Primary School

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Parent / Carer Involvement

St. Gwladys promotes positive partnerships with parents/carers. It is only through working together that we can ensure that each child is given every opportunity to achieve their full potential.

Open Days are scheduled throughout the year. Reading and Numeracy cafés provide parents/carers with the opportunity to work alongside their child. In Early Years, Leading to Reading and numeracy presentations ensure that parents are kept as well informed as possible about work in these areas. Parents/carers of children in Reception classes are invited to enjoy their children’s presentation of the Rhyme Time Challenge in the Summer Term.

Work undertaken in class is posted on Seesaw. This enables parents/carers to share in activities that the children have enjoyed during the course of the school day.

Through the Pupil Voice Committees, parents/carers are informed of the many events enjoyed in the school, including fund raising events.

Consultation evenings are arranged in the Autumn and Spring Terms, providing parents/ carers with the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress with the staff and Headteacher. An annual report is issued in the Summer Term.

Parents/carers wishing to see their child’s class teacher may do so in the Wednesday afternoon surgeries (Nursery to Year 2) which are held between 3:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. An appointment can be made by telephoning the school or calling at the Main Reception Office on Church Place.
Parents/carers are encouraged to contact the school at any time on matters concerning their child’s welfare and happiness or concerns regarding their progress.

In the best interests of all concerned, we would ask that parents/carers make an appointment so that adequate time may be allocated to your visit.

Parent/carers are kept up to date with all information via letters, the school website or Seesaw. Parents/carers find the text messaging service particularly useful for receiving current information. Parents/carers are requested to inform the school of any changes to their mobile telephone number.

The school has an active Friends of the School Committee who work tirelessly to raise funds for the benefit of the children. Parents/carers who would like to find out more about this aspect of school life should contact the Chairperson, Mrs. Diane Davies, via the Main Reception Office on Church Place.