St. Gwladys Bargoed Primary School

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Attendance           for Summer Term (1)

St Gwladys 91

Welcome to our
wonderful school

St. Gwladys Bargoed Primary

Your child is about to begin a very special journey.
We are delighted to be part of it and to welcome
you as a family to our lovely school.

St. Gwladys Bargoed has long been recognised as a successful school, not just for the attainment of our pupils but also for the care taken to secure their happiness and wellbeing. We know that this is essential if they are to learn. Visitors to the school comment not only on the warm, welcoming and friendly atmosphere but on the courtesy and good manners of our children who know that they are loved.

Mrs K. Evans | Headteacher

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St Gwladys Bargoed School - Social Feed

Our Community Say

  • My child has loved their time in Nursery, they have gained so much confidence and loves coming to school! They have made great progress and we have loved watching them blossom. Thank you to all the staff, they are looking forward to many more happy memories at St Gwladys!

    Parent of a nursery child
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    Our teaching in Humanities provides our
    learners with opportunities to gain a deeper
    understanding, in a cohesive manner, of a
    range of concepts across five subject
    disciplines of History, Geography,
    Religion, Values and Ethics, Business Studies and 
    Social Studies.

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    Expressive Arts

    Creativity is fundamental to all we do at St. Gwladys and this Area of Learning and Experience ensures that this is realised. We ensure that our children have opportunities to experience drama, art, dance, music, and film and digital media. We aim to provide children with a developing acquisition of skills, knowledge and understanding as they move through
    the school.

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    and Numeracy

    Mathematics and Numeracy

    We firmly believe that Mathematics and Numeracy is an enjoyable and creative activity involving imagination, resilience and discovery. It equips our learners with the unique and powerful set of tools to understand and change the World; after all, The Child’s Imagination is Tomorrow’s Reality. These tools include logical reasoning, problem-solving skills and the ability to think in abstract ways.

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    and Wellbeing

    Health and Wellbeing

    Our health and wellbeing agenda aims to give children the tools they need for the ‘best possible life’, equipping them for happier and healthier lives by giving them the opportunity to make informed choices. Learning focuses on key concepts outlined in the Statements of What Matters from the Area of Learning and Experience: Health and Wellbeing; Physical Health; Social and Emotional Wellbeing; Decision-Making and Relationships.

    ×Creativity is fundamental to all we do
    at St. Gwladys and this Area of
    Learning and Experience ensures
    that this is realised. We ensure that
    our children have opportunities to
    experience drama, art, dance, music,
    and film and digital media. We aim to
    provide children with a developing
    acquisition of skills, knowledge and
    understanding as they mov through
    the school.
    The Creativity Catchers work hard to
    raise the profile of the Expressive
    Arts. An Expressive Arts fortnight is
    held to celebrate the artistic talents of
    our children from Nursery to Year 6.
    Every opportunity is taken to access
    grant funding from sources such as
    the Arts Council for Wales. This
    enables us to take children to places
    such as the Welsh Royal College of
    Music and Drama, the Millennium
    Centre, the Sherman Theatre, Cardiff
    to participate in a range of
    experiences which enhance the
    Our children also benefit from events
    such as the Night Out Project which
    brings the Arts to our community
    while developing the children’s

    Taught by a visiting peripatetic, Key
    Stage 2 children can learn to play a
    brass instrument. These lessons
    are funded from the school budget to
    ensure that all children have equal
    The choir plays a significant role in
    the community, taking part in the
    Town Fayre and other events, such
    as singing at Bargoed Care Home
    and in the Croeso Café at the
    Church Hall.
    Year 6 pupils enjoyed their
    experience with a professional
    dancer as part of the Cynefin
    project, funded by the Arts Council
    for Wales.
    Children are also able to work with a
    local professional artist on specificCreativity is fundamental to all we do
    at St. Gwladys and this Area of
    Learning and Experience ensures
    that this is realised. We ensure that
    our children have opportunities to
    experience drama, art, dance, music,
    and film and digital media. We aim to
    provide children with a developing
    acquisition of skills, knowledge and
    understanding as they mov through
    the school.
    The Creativity Catchers work hard to
    raise the profile of the Expressive
    Arts. An Expressive Arts fortnight is
    held to celebrate the artistic talents of
    our children from Nursery to Year 6.
    Every opportunity is taken to access
    grant funding from sources such as
    the Arts Council for Wales. This
    enables us to take children to places
    such as the Welsh Royal College of
    Music and Drama, the Millennium
    Centre, the Sherman Theatre, Cardiff
    to participate in a range of
    experiences which enhance the
    Our children also benefit from events
    such as the Night Out Project which
    brings the Arts to our community
    while developing the children’s

    Taught by a visiting peripatetic, Key
    Stage 2 children can learn to play a
    brass instrument. These lessons
    are funded from the school budget to
    ensure that all children have equal
    The choir plays a significant role in
    the community, taking part in the
    Town Fayre and other events, such
    as singing at Bargoed Care Home
    and in the Croeso Café at the
    Church Hall.
    Year 6 pupils enjoyed their
    experience with a professional
    dancer as part of the Cynefin
    project, funded by the Arts Council
    for Wales.
    Children are also able to work with a
    local professional artist on specificOur health and wellbeing agenda aims to give children the tools they need for the
    ‘best possible life’, equipping them for happier and healthier lives by giving them
    the opportunity to make informed choices. Learning focuses on key concepts

    outlined in the Statements of What Matters from the Area of Learning and Experi-
    ence: Health and Wellbeing; Physical Health; Social and Emotion Wellbeing; De-
    cision-Making and Relationships.We place significant emphasis on the happiness of our children. They deserve to
    feel happy, safe and loved if they are to learn and access their learning, free from

    anxieties if they are to fulfil their individual potential. With this in mind, a whole-
    school approach to wellbeing is provided for our pupils, families and staff; this is

    fundamental to our approach of placing ‘wellbeing at the heart of our school
    ethos’.We place significant emphasis on the happiness of our children. They deserve to
    feel happy, safe and loved if they are to learn and access their learning, free from

    anxieties if they are to fulfil their individual potential. With this in mind, a whole-
    school approach to wellbeing is provided for our pupils, families and staff; this is

    fundamental to our approach of placing ‘wellbeing at the heart of our school

    Our health and wellbeing agenda aims to give children the tools they need for the ‘best possible life’, equipping them for happier and healthier lives by giving them the opportunity to make informed choices. Learning focuses on key concepts outlined in the Statements of What Matters from the Area of Learning and Experience: Health and Wellbeing; Physical Health; Social and Emotional Wellbeing; Decision-Making and Relationships.

    Our health and wellbeing agenda aims to give children the tools they need for the ‘best possible life’, equipping them for happier and healthier lives by giving them the opportunity to make informed choices. Learning focuses on key concepts outlined in the Statements of What Matters from the Area of Learning and Experience: Health and Wellbeing; Physical Health; Social and Emotional Wellbeing; Decision-Making and Relationships.

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    Literacy and Communication

    Language, Literacy and Communication

    Stories and poetry are voyages of discovery which provide rich learning contexts and meaningful experiences for our pupils. With this in mind, our curriculum, across all AoLEs is creative and literature-rich. Drama enhances learning opportunities by providing imaginative possibilities. Through drama, scenarios can be created which present problems and explore the deeper implications of the texts. Narrative through drama helps pupils to understand life situations, their place in the World and the reactions of others: a cognitive dimension, helping our learners, not only to express their emotions but to empathise with others.
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    and Technology

    Science and Technology

    Our aim is to equip children with the skills to become enthusiastic problem solvers,
    investigators and enthusiastic young scientists. We want children to have a thirst for
    discovering new possibilities and become curious about the World and living things.
    At St. Gwladys, children are given opportunities to carry out exciting STEM projects
    that develop their scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical skills.

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